Galvanized or Vinyl-Coated: Which One Should You Choose?


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Galvanized and vinyl-coated meshes are the heroes of the construction world, and sometimes, it can be hard to choose between the two. Are you stuck with the same problem? If so, you have landed at the right blog!

Vinyl-coated wire meshes are better than galvanized ones because they are more durable and attractive. Not just that, they also offer excellent resistance to rust, corrosion, and bad weather. However, they are more expensive than galvanized wire meshes.

This blog will discuss galvanized and vinyl-coated wire meshes, their uses, features, and differences. Moreover, it will help you choose between the two. Are you ready to learn?

What Is Galvanized Wire Mesh?

Galvanization is the process of coating steel surfaces with zinc to prevent them from rust and corrosion. Galvanized wire meshes have two types: welded or woven. Moreover, they can either be galvanized before welding or weaving or after it.

Let’s look at these galvanization techniques below:

1.    Galvanized Before Welding or Weaving (GBW)

In this case, each wire strand is galvanized before welding or weaving them together to create a wire mesh. This method usually covers the intersection of wires with a welding metal, but these joints become prone to rust, decreasing the mesh’s service life.

Overall, GBW wire mesh is not only cost-effective but readily available as well.

2.    Galvanized After Welding of Weaving (GAW)

This technique involves creating a mesh by welding or weaving the wires together and then galvanizing it. However, it is often difficult to cover the holes in the mesh, which have a small diameter.

Moreover, although the corrosion protection of GAW wire mesh is better than that of GBW, it is more expensive. GAW products might not also be readily available.

What Is Vinyl-Coated Wire Mesh?

Now that we know about galvanized wire mesh, it is time to understand what vinyl-coated wire mesh is.

Once the wires have been welded or woven, the resultant mesh is covered with PVC or polyester through a heating process. This produces vinyl-coated wire mesh, which is resistant to both rust and corrosion.

Moreover, it is durable and can withstand extreme temperatures, scraping, and abrasion.

Vinyl-coated wire meshes can be given any color per the client’s requirement, but most of them are found in black or green color, making them easily blend with the environment.

Uses of Galvanized and Vinyl-Coated Wire Mesh

All right! Now that we have learned about galvanized and vinyl-coated wire meshes, you might be wondering where they are used. Let’s look at some of their applications in homes, outdoors, construction, and other industries below:

Galvanized Wire Mesh

  • Agriculture/farming
  • Fencing, caging, and safety enclosures
  • Pest-control
  • Retention of walls and stones
  • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
  • Greenhouses and gardening
  • Landscaping
  • Roofing, drywall, Infill panels, and insulation
  • Artificial boulders
  • Archeology
  • Screen to hold the cement together
  • High-security applications
  • Separation of particles

Vinyl-Coated Wire Mesh

  • Garden fencing
  • Industrial security
  • Animal cages and closures
  • Machine guards
  • Tree guards
  • Solar panel guards
  • Kennel flooring
  • Protection nets for coal mines, aquaculture, slopes, stadiums, and training grounds
  • Fruit cages and crop protection

Galvanized vs. Vinyl-Coated Wire Mesh

We have figured out that galvanized and vinyl-coated wire meshes are pretty useful. Now, It is time to compare the two! Let’s first look at their features below:

Features of Galvanized Wire Mesh

  • Easy installation and storage
  • Cheap
  • Minimal maintenance costs
  • Excellent resistance to rust and corrosion

Features of Vinyl-Coated Wire mesh

  • A range of colors to choose from
  • Durable
  • Not easily deformed
  • Good resistance to rust, corrosion, and extreme weather

Now that we know about the primary features of both wire meshes, how about looking at the differences between the two?

Differences Between Galvanized and Vinyl-Coated Wire Meshes

  1. Durability

As a galvanized wire mesh is covered with zinc, it is resistant to rust and corrosion, giving it durability and long service life. On the other hand, the vinyl-coated wire mesh does not only have a zinc layer but a PVC coating as well, giving it an added layer of protection.

As a result, vinyl-coated wire mesh is more durable than galvanized one.

  1. Appearance

While the galvanized wire mesh has a silver appearance, the vinyl-coated mesh is available in green, black, yellow, and white color.

The customers mostly go for green or black color as it pretty much disappears in the background, making it virtually invisible. Who wouldn’t want to see the other side of the fence more clearly, right?

  1. Cost

Vinyl-coated mesh is more expensive than galvanized one. This increase in cost occurs due to the expensive polyethylene coating. Moreover, the processing which occurs during its manufacturing process is also costly.

Although vinyl-coated mesh is pricier, it is essential to note here that it does not require frequent replacements. This makes it cost-effective in the long run, so make the choice wisely!

Which One Should You Choose?

It is time to answer the question which brought you here! Well, your choice primarily depends on the following factors:

  • Budget
  • The time you want to use it for
  • Environment
  • Aesthetics

How much money are you willing to invest in the wire mesh? If you are a little tight on budget, you should go for the galvanized wire mesh. On the other hand, if you have enough money, you should choose the vinyl-coated mesh.

Remember that although vinyl-coated mesh’s initial cost is high, it will stay with you for a long time. In contrast, if you choose the galvanized mesh, you would bring down the primary expenses. However, the maintenance and replacement costs might give you a hard time later.

Another question to consider is how long do you want the mesh to last? Choose galvanized mesh if you need it for a few years. Otherwise, buy vinyl-coated wire mesh.

Next up, we have the usage environment! Suppose you are going to use the mesh within a home or school environment. In that case, the galvanized wire mesh is a great option as it offers sufficient resistance to rust and corrosion.

On the other hand, if you are planning to use it in a harsh environment, e.g., near the sea or in an industry, the vinyl-coated wire mesh will serve better.

Lastly, how much do you care about appearance? If aesthetics are important to you, then vinyl-coated mesh clearly stands out.


There you have it! All the information you needed to choose between galvanized and vinyl-coated wire meshes.

Both meshes have amazing features, including durability and resistance to corrosion and rust. However, based on your budget and usage environment, you can choose one of them.

We hope that you will find the best choice for yourself!